Businesses and Self-Employed

Our office invests in small business development to keep and improve the amenities that make the 40th Ward a place people want to live. We actively work with neighbors, Chambers of Commerce, and the City of Chicago to develop empty commercial corridors and create equitable investment in neighborhoods. We also work to improve city programs that support and invest in local small businesses, especially minority- and women-owned businesses.

We are here to help – please contact our office to inquire about business services or locating your business in the 40th Ward.

Doing Business in the City of Chicago

The Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (BACP) is your central resource to register and maintain your business license, as well as apply for any additional permits or licenses that may be required by activities, construction, or signage.

Business Licenses: Apply, Renew

Most businesses are required to maintain a business license from the City of Chicago and/or the State of Illinois. In addition, when applying for a business license you will need to make sure that your business location is zoned properly for the activities you intend to pursue. Business owners or legal representatives of business owners can apply online for a license or in-person by meeting with a Business Consultant in the Small Business Center (SBC).

Other Common License and Permit Needs